The Havering Daily is running a list of the different candidates across Havering in preparation of the local elections on May 5.
Today we start with Councillor Ray Morgon, leader of the opposition and Hacton Ward Councillor.
These are important local elections for Havering and its residents. This is the best opportunity that we have had in decades to take power.
If the Conservatives win and carry on for another four years we will get the same old self-serving, lazy, arrogant bunch that will continue to be asleep at the wheel whilst the steady decline continues to the place where we all live and love. We cannot let this happen.
Havering residents deserve better and we are the only local party that has the will and desire to make the necessary changes to arrest the decline in our quality of life. We need to break the mould that only national parties can run things
I believe that we have the skills, experience, knowledge and drive to improve Council services that our residents pay a high rate of Council tax for and to bring about real improvements in the way that the Council operates.
We will do this by carrying out a root and branch review of everything that we do and how we do it. We should leave no stone unturned. This is the only way that I believe we will obtain true efficiency savings.
We will bring a new culture to the Council. A culture of performance and only rewards those who perform at the level that both we and the residents of Havering expect. We will clearly set out the standards that we expect and have the means to monitor these to ensure that they are achieved.
We will be a confident Administration that will be prepared to show our performance in an open and transparent way.
I want Havering to be a Council that we are proud to be a part of and recognised as a high performing Council by our residents and our peers.
Councillor Ray Morgon